Hambleden has been used for many feature films and major TV productions.

Hambleden is best known for the village itself with its cluster of charming brick and flint cottages grouped round the old water pump, with the church and lych-gate flanking one side of the village square. However, the Estate with its 1,000 acres of beech woodlands, rolling pastures and hidden valleys also has a multitude of natural features such as a stunning Lime Avenue, two quarries and several amphitheatres set in glorious woodland.


Hambleden has been used for many feature films such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang101 DalmatiansSleepy Hollow, Into the Woods and the New Avengers, for major TV productions such as Band of BrothersA Village AffairPoirotRosemary & Thyme, New Tricks and Down to Earth as well as a variety of advertisements and promotions.

With all the land on the estate we are able to offer glorious views from the Oxfordshire Way and rolling water meadows with frontage onto the River Thames.

For indoor filming and photo shoots there is  The Woodland Lodge available as well as some large barns with beautiful tall doors and a derelict farm house with an indoor pool in Culham.

Hambleden Church

Find out more

To find out more about locations & availability please contact Camila in the office.


01491 635 726


Who we have worked with

  • BBC logo
  • HBO logo
  • Netflix logo
  • Channel 4 logo
  • Amazon logo

We are here to help

To make an enquiry about filming or photography please get in touch with our Events Manager, Camila.

Culden Faw Ltd, The Estate Office, 10 Greenlands Farm,
Dairy Lane, Fawley, Henley on Thames, Oxon, RG9 3AS

T: 01491 635 726
E: cfevents@culdenfawltd.com


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